Monday, January 19, 2009

Mondays' Memories

I lived in a small town in central southern rural Minnesota. Most often I prefered to stay home and read. But one day I did go with with my mother shopping maybe when I was eleven or thirteen. We ran into someone, who knew my mother. For it being a small town that was not unusual. While they had a little chit chat, the woman informed my mother that I looked like Annies Seil's side of the family. Apparently she was from His [Fathers] side of the family. Understandably, mom wasn't that thrilled that I took after my fathers family rather than her or hers. I had gathered that idea after we had a little discussion about it later after the woman walked away.

Mom wasn't thrilled with that revelation, so I did question her a little about it a bit. At the time I wasn't going to be thrilled to look like my mother. Annies side, I knew nothing about. Nor did I know what they looked like. Also, I gathered from that conversation, that it might not be a good thing to look like someone from His side of the family! [smile]

Now as a mother I understand the feelings. As my children also look like His side of the family. Just once in awhile you want to know they look like you or some family resemblance.

But I wonder, if mom really knew at anytime, how much I do look like her. I also see her in parts of my brothers face. Now in my older years, with my mother gone from this earth, I gladly welcome my mothers eyes that I see, when I look in the mirror. I never saw it or I never wanted to see that much, when we were both younger. I guess, when I was at that age, I did not appreciate her enough. I think I have her chin. That resemblance will be another day.

I have tried to compare myself and the women on my fathers side, but haven't really seen it yet. But then I never saw them as living people. Perhaps it's the forehead, nose or the cheeks. The shape of the face? Mom didn't say what was resembled. Thank goodness it is not the same square chin that His family had [That which Dwight and Frederick had acquired].

Add two pictures at a later time.

just me here saying my thing

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