Noses are the same in all. Eyes varie in all these Meyer above.
Luhmann above separate in the right box.

Dwight in the Middle
Heins and Meyer on right -->

A.W. Seil below. Herman and Annie to right.

Musings on family physical traits. Family Resemblances.
This is Frederick Meyer. If you know exactly who he is a son of let me know..

Son - Dwight upper left, Mother - Annie Seil, upper right.
Herman H. Meyer [father], lower left, and son - Lyle, lower right.
August William Seil eyes are so shaded and sunk, I have never seen one decent picture of him. One can't see his chin for his grizzly beard. Often the beard style one sees in immigrants. His nose and Annies nose are not same exactly. [Maybe, I should put the picture at the side bar. You can't enlarge it, but it will be a handy reference.]
Musings on family physical traits. Family Resemblances.
-Lyle's eyes seem different than Dwights. I wonder who he got them from.
- I think the eyes of Dwight come from the Heins side of the family.
-The forehead may come from the Luhmann side of the Meyer family.-Lyle and Herman's brother William have similar eye shapes.
- I think the eyes of Dwight come from the Heins side of the family.
-The forehead may come from the Luhmann side of the Meyer family.-Lyle and Herman's brother William have similar eye shapes.
-Lyle and Dwight ears are the same.
-Sometimes Dwight's eyes seem almost crossed eyed. He never had glasses until old age. [I say this because sometimes people with glasses, who take them off, often appear crossed eyed looking without their glasses] Myself included.
-One relative Lawrence Nahnsen resembles Dwight in looks out of all the relatives.
-One of Dwight's grandchildren from his youngest son resembles Dwight in the eyes and a bit in the chin. 

This is Frederick Meyer. If you know exactly who he is a son of let me know..
I think Dwight had eyes like his. Most definately his chin.
-Dwight carries the chin not always seen in all the Meyer children.
- It is obvious in a photograph I have seen of Frederick Meyer.
- Elisabeth Korn had a strong chin as well. No picture here yet of her.
I will try to add that one soon.
It is difficult to judge at all about August William Seil. He has always had all that hair on his chin. Annie carries Korn, Seil genes and an unknown who lived in germany. Korn family and possibly Seil family go back to Hildesheim region of germany.
All I don't know much about August William Seil's traits which would be those from his father Seil and His mother Brookmannn, or Broockman or Brockmann. Somewhere, he had a grandparent with the family name Schmidt. I guess, I haven't tried hard to hurl over that brick wall of the Seil family history from Uelzen and Dahlenburg area of Lueneburg.
Just me here giving my opinion once again.
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