Tuesday, April 28, 2009

H A P P Y .. B' D A Y ~~~~ N I C K

The Birthday guy -- is Nick.
I chose this pic cause of the black and white cat who maybe is a little like Nics cat. Notice a black foot and the white feet.

It could be birthday cake they have there for Niks special B day Page.

Nic likes to wear one white sock and one black soc, kind of like his cat. I think it's cute.

I didn't pick balloons. Nick never liked balloons!

..................H A P P Y ... B I R T H D A Y...... NICK......


HE IS DEFINITELY SPECIAL. A fun Loving, Kind, Happy guy. In spite of set backs we all have had due to money troubles these days, he still comes out as the best man he can be. Optimistic still about the future.

~ NICK born first week in May. Which makes him a Taurus baby.

One year I gave him a gift t- shirt with a saying on it. Mom says I'm special. When he was in his car accident his shirt was no longer wearable, so I gave him another one. He maybe doesn't know that one reason he is special, is just because he is my child.

He does enjoy t- shirts to express one thing or another. I look at that shirt and remember it all. It makes me grateful that he is still here like normal. Though, the year of his graduation, he did move out. It took me awhile to get used to him being gone. I just miss him being a little boy! I would gladly give up his room, if he wanted to move back. Though, , he can't come back as a little boy. Though it could take me awhile to empty it. I am learning to enjoy his adult stage as well. [ I am trying hard not to be so over protective of him and maybe give him as much space as he needs].

Like others his age he likes bumper stickers as well. I can't think of any at the moment.

~ He's Second born, born on a Sunday/ Monday. Which? Well the day of his birth by Cesarean was my birthday. I tearfully told the doctor that I didn't think it should happen that day, cause my mom had a birth on her birthday and lost him. Even though there was all that blood, which led me to go to the hospital, it was still so foolish of me, to believe in coincidental fate. I thought that if it could happen to her, it could happen to me. Because of the unplanned timing and because of my belief in coincidental fate, the doctor stalled around for what seemed like hours.

As I had time to think and feel the pain [sheepish smile] I was thinking about how I was scared something could be happening to my baby Nicky. [ His name was that as soon as I knew I was pregnant. We called him that in my womb. ] As time went on, I think I was realizing how silly I was being about the coincidental fate issue. So then I said to Dr. Feigle,

"okay doc forget all that, I am ready for this baby"

So, He was born on my birthday. I always claimed he was special because of that too. His name became Nic[k] in any spelling he chooses. But it was no longer Nicky.

~ He was a born good sport, works well with others. Tolerant, Patient, Great sense of humor.

~~~~H A P P Y ....B I R T H D A Y .....to Me too this week~~~~~

~~ I am grateful for having another birthday! I am so very grateful for having the life I have had, the love I have been given and earned and returned. For the responsibilities in life I have again earned, given enjoyed. I was once told, I would maybe be getting Lupins [cause of symptoms I was having]. Fortunately, it hasn't knocked at my door yet, nor has Alzheimer's symptoms, Cancer. For all that I am grateful and thankful for the time given free so far of those symptoms of the dreaded Diseases.

~~ I am thankful for some of my poverty, and I can't tell you why. I am especially thankful for my special children. My family. The life the Lord has given me. Good and bad. Cause it has taught me much more with each hardship. What I endured as a child helped me good and bad raising my own children and has taught me patience and tolerance, and forgiveness for others. And has of course brought God closer to me.

Our stone is Emerald.

Emeralds are special too. It is suggested as an anniversary gift for the 20th and 35th anniversaries and as an alternate stone for the 55th wedding anniversary.
The emerald is both the modern and traditional birthstone for May. It is also listed as a birthstone for the Zodiac signs for Taurus and Cancer, as the Planetary stone for Taurus and the Talismanic stone for Gemini. Emerald and Topaz is listed as in all of the ancient birthstone tables.

I copied this from Laura from Our Scented Cottage
The emerald is also the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to
preserve love and has long been the symbol of hope. It's considered by many to
be the stone of prophecy. For some, the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a
troubled mind and it is said the emerald brings the wearer reason and wisdom.
The strongest time for the powers of the emerald is said to be spring.

In ancient times, emeralds were used as amulets to ward off epilepsy in
children and thought to cure diseases of the eye. Folklore suggests that these
stones will improve memory, intelligence, and enhance clairvoyance thus helping
to predict future events. They are also worn to enhance love and contentment.
Cleopatra prized emeralds above all other gems.
Posted by Laura Our Scented Cottage.com/

That seems like the Gem to have, doesn't it.

THUS ends the tribute to Nick for his birthday.

Whatcha ma call um?

A Special guy, my son Nick !

I have just noticed the red nose in most of his special to me pictures... Was he always with a cold or maybe teething goes with it. sorry Nick.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Souvenir of Trip to a Wedding in Flint Michigan

Sylvia, Dwight Meyer, Jo, Rodney, Bill and Evelyn Peters all loaded up and left in the van for Flint Michigan. We were still Living in Minnesota at that time July fourth weekend 1980. The souvenir of this sketch happened to be purchased on the return trip after the wedding was over.

Sylvia Meyer sister and brother-in- law had taken up the hobby of turning wood [on a woodcutter] in their retirement years. I think it was computerized. She said they had lots of business with it. I thought they were beautyful. The ones in the pictures were for sale. Sorry the picture is not that great.

She said "sure you can have any one of these". I forget how much they were apiece. Naturally, I wanted more than one, so I took a picture of those I wouldn't be bringing home.

I was married barely a year by then. I had so little money to spend, especially since I was expecting a baby soon. We had gone to Flint Michigan for the Wedding of Steve Meyer and Mary Rose of Flint in July 1980 in a borrowed van. I doubt I have much for pictures of the wedding to show at the moment. I wish I did. Bill Peters drove the van most of the time. He and Sylvia had plans on the return trip to stop at their sisters somewhere around Zeeland Michigan.

No one had thought to bring her exact address with them! It is surprising, that neither of them remembered it as much as they wrote their sister. Or didn't [ lol]

It was dark when we began hunting for her place. The 'good buddy cb system' helped us locate the place. Rod had always used this while traveling long distances in the van.

What's her name Peters. Wife of Whatch ma call um. Lets see it was by Zeeland Michigan. There is another city near by that I should know because it is the address they used.

I don't know why I have such a difficult time recalling the names and faces of those dear to my mother. But I do.

For the husbands name we have these names to pick from:

a]. Arnie Nelson

b]. Matthias [sounds like Matthews]

c]. Russel South

Her name is

a]. Arneida
b]. Adeline
c]. Wilma
d]. Edith
e]. Thelma

By process of Elimination, I don't think it was Wilma South Or it was. After a little time and investigation, I should be able to tell you. But don't hold your breath while I am gone.

Sylvia Peters got hers free, cause she was her special sister. I picked mine. I really like them. The little stand is great to put by your chair with a cup of coffee and is easily removed to somewhere else. Then you can place flowers or any art object on it.

The smallness of the little piece makes it easy for your grown children to borrow it for their apartments now and then. I don't mind as long as they remember who's it is. And why it means what it does to me.